Containment is not the cure

Interesting reframe on this experience from clinical nurse researchers.

’Containment is not the cure: Least restrictive approaches to the management of absconding’

”…the blanket use of restriction to reduce absconding is short sighted. Just as compulsory treatment has been found ineffective in reducing readmission rates (Burns, Rugkasa, & Molodynski, 2013) so will the use of restrictive measures colour the perceptions of hospital admission for those at risk of abscond‐ing and enhance their desire for freedom. The approach to reducing absconding should be aligned with the pursuit of wider recovery‐oriented practice, that is moving away from institutional, medical and coercive interventions, towards an approach based on hope, self‐de‐termination, social inclusion and human rights (Slade et al., 2014).”

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